Our Legacy

Brent Corporation’s multi-disciplined professionals are specialists in the delivery of bulk earthworks, road works, reticulation and layerworks. We currently hold a CIDB rating of 7CE and along with 38 years of industry-related experience, we believe in maintaining a healthy balance between open market tenders and negotiated work opportunities.. This approach has formed the mainstay of our business and has given us a strong competitive advantage in our field.

To further assist us with preserving this balance, subsequently increasing our sustainability, we periodically sub-contract to larger building contractors. We take pride in the solid relationships that have been built with both these client groups over the years, further enhancing our reputation in the industry. Our business model is a testament to our commitment to ensuring profitability for ourselves as well as our clients, without compromising on high-quality deliverables.

Our People

Brent Corporation’s primary capital is its people. We take pride in selecting and grooming our high performing individuals as opposed to the practice of dipping into an ever-dwindling skilled labour pool. Whilst we understand the importance and necessity of best practice policies and procedures, in a volatile and competitive market, we choose to invest in people development and personal growth strategies.

Empowerment of previously disadvantaged individuals being integral to our upliftment policies, we also employ local unskilled labour when possible, sourcing individuals from the municipalities within which each site operates.

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